Professor Latchman has a lengthy track record as a Fundraiser and Charity Supporter. For example he raised over £9 million whilst Dean of the Institute of Child Health at UCL. He has significant experience of the commercial exploitation of intellectual property, having obtained Venture Capital Funding to found a Company (BioVex Ltd) on the basis of patents developed by his laboratory in the area of viral gene therapy. The Company was subsequently acquired by Amgen Ltd and its viral vector is now used in an approved treatment for patients with melanoma. He is also Non-Executive Chairman of Therakind Ltd, a Company which develops medicines for use in children.
Charity and Commercial Work

Professor Latchman is Chairman of the Trustees of the Maurice Wohl Charitable Foundation and a Trustee of the Maurice and Vivienne Wohl Philanthropic Foundation. The Foundations are part of the Wohl legacy and have donated extensively to education, medical research and welfare initiatives in the U.K. and Israel.